Do I have to be home for my pool opening? - Crush Pools Inc


Do I have to be home for my pool opening?

Nope! Just make sure we have access to the backyard.

Crush Pools Services

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Our pool blog keeps you up-to-date on everything from pool equipment to pool parties and so much more.

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Back to School Pool Party Themes

Back to school pool party themes  Everyone is back to school now. But don’t worry we still have a little bit of time before we fully trade our swim suits for backpacks. Crush Pools has the best idea… Back to school pool party! Everyone is excited to get back to school to see their friends…

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Swimming Pool Water Tests Explained

Making Sense of your Water Test ResultsWhen you get a swimming pool water test from a pool store, you may want to know what is actually important before you spend money on chemicals you may or not need. I am disappointed to see some of the unnecessary chemicals pool stores are selling their customers. Below…

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Winter Pool Maintenance: What to Watch For

Top tips to make sure your pool is safe during the winter months!  With all of the snow and wind we’ve had lately we wanted to give you a few tips to make sure your pool cover is safe and secure. Pool covers can come loose in these winter conditions. If this happens you can…