My pool is severely impacting my hydro bill - can you help me out? - Crush Pools Inc


My pool is severely impacting my hydro bill – can you help me out?

Yes! Consider switching to an energy efficient pool pump. After the first few years, the pump will pay for itself. Check out the Pool Saver website for more info and to see if you are eligible for the $400 rebate program!

Crush Pools Services

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Which Pool Is Your Birthday Month

Open your pool today with Crush Pools Inc! We take care of everything for you from opening to closing pool maintenance and equipment

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Summer Cocktails: Gin & Tonic

The weather is hot and the pool is clear – it’s time to make some epic summer cocktails. At Crush Pools we take our poolside drinks seriously. Whether we are sipping on ice cold beers or relaxing with a gin and tonic – we make sure we are never empty handed by the pool. Today’s…

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Fun Floaties for Your Pool

Check out these amazing pool floaties. Great for lounging by the pool all day! The Giraffe Cotton Candy The Elephant Pop Corn Popsicle The Casper Mattress Pool Floaty Rosé Bottle Floaty Pick the floaty you like the most and launch that floaty!