Ionizer Systems
First, chlorine dominated. Then, salt emerged as an alternative. Now, minerals are revolutionizing the scene.

Get the right ionizer installed by an expert technician
IONIZER INFORMATIONAfter years of diligent research, we’ve identified the top-performing ionizer. This dedication to excellence is reflected in our extended warranties, demonstrating our commitment to stand behind every product we install.
SHOP pool ionizerHow Does It Work?
CLEARBLUE IONIZERThe ClearBlue tee is plumbed into your pool or hot tub filtration system. The mineral cell is screwed into the tee and plugged into the ClearBlue controller. Minerals are released from the cell into the water according to the settings on the controller. The minerals build up in the water and prevent algae, bacteria and viruses from growing.
shop allWhat does
it do?
First, chlorine dominated. Then, salt emerged as an alternative. Now, minerals are revolutionizing the scene. ClearBlue releases microscopic mineral ions that help control bacteria and algae in pools and hot tubs. This allows you to reduce chemical usage by 50-80%
Mineral pools have less chlorine than either salt or traditional chlorine pools. This means fresh smelling water that doesn’t dry your skin or fade your swimsuits.
ClearBlue does most of the water care work for you. Pool equipment, surfaces and landscaping stay new longer
The ClearBlue mineral system costs less than most other sanitizing systems. It also reduces the ongoing costs of maintaining a pool or spa.
Spend less time fighting algae and balancing water and more time swimming and soaking.