The Perfect August Long Weekend Pool Party - Crush Pools Inc

The Perfect August Long Weekend Pool Party


The Perfect August Long Weekend Pool Party August long weekend is just around the corner.…

The Perfect August Long Weekend Pool Party

August long weekend is just around the corner. Are you planning on being pool side? If so you should invite over all your friends over to enjoy the pool with you. If you’re worried about hosting a pool party in such short notice. Don’t worry Crush has you covered. Here are some things that you should have to host the perfect pool party.

  • Let’s make sure the pool is clean and the heater is on! Crush personal thinks that 86 is the perfect temperature. You can be the judge
  • Food & Snacks – To make it easier for you ask your guest to bring some food and snack as well
  • Music/Speakers – If you have Spotify you can play the “chill hits” playlist thats a good summer playlist.
  • Drinks (Plastic!! No glass by the pool) – Make sure you buy some red solo cups just incase your guest bring some glass bottles.
  • Cooler – If you don’t have one don’t panic you can make a cooler out of anything a canoe or even a wheelbarrow. Grab some ice from the store and fill up whatever you have. You just want the drink to stay cold throughout the party.
  • Games (inside the pool and out) – You want to make sure your guest are entertained if they are in the pool or if they are in the backyard. If you don’t have any games you can always ask your guest to bring some of their favourite ones.
  • Water & Sunscreen Station – We want to make sure that everyone stays hydrated and not burnt. No one wants to end up looking like a lobster
  • Floaties – You must have them for the pool party so your guest can just relax and enjoy the pool
  • Towels – Your guest might forget them so its best you’re prepared just incase they do forget
  • Finally Decorations! Make the whole backyard and pool look beautiful. Balloons make everything look better!

Now that you have read the list of things we think you should have for your August long pool party you are all ready. So invite those guests, turn the heat up on the pool and get ready to have a great long weekend! If your party ends up going into the night you should have some blankets, lights and firewood just incase. Let us know how it turns out!

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Our pool blog keeps you up-to-date on everything from pool equipment to pool parties and more...

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